Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) Freddie Mercury was a British singer, songwriter, record producer and lead vocalist for the rock band Queen. His vocal range, flair for drama, stage presence and musical talent set him apart as one of the greatest musicians of all time. He was born in Zanzibar, Tanzania to Indian parents who struggled to accept him for the person he was. As he grew, he struggled to come to terms with his passions, and yearned to be accepted by his family as he aged and matured. His was a complicated life filled with beauty and angst. In 1987 Mercury was diagnosed with AIDS and he died four years later, just a day after confirming to the world that he was in fact dying of AIDS. He performed in the Live Aid fundraiser for African famine relief in 1985 and helped to raise 127 million dollars to help people out of starvation.

I typed Freddie Mercury because I love the music he helped to create and perform. My nieces and nephews adore it too. It was fun to share an interest in the music of Queen across the generations. I typed this portrait in large part for them and typed their names and a message of being true to yourself in the bottom of the portrait.